Simon Whitehead
Simon’s practice is improvisatory, in response to the circumstances he finds himself in he makes work that moves in correspondence with land, materials and beings. He begins with, and re-turns to the motile materiality of the body and its agency amongst an assemblage of other forces, flows and matter. He is a maker that moves.
movement artist & PhD Researcher - Department of Theatre Studies, University of Glasgow- AHRC via SGSAH
I have been engaged in an unfolding processual relationship with the Afon Dulais river that flows close to my home in west Wales since 2006, a practice of listening to the river’s shifting seasonal frequencies whilst attempting to materialise these in sound. Immersing myself physically within the river I use the machinic sensitivity of a Fender Stratocaster to allow places of eddy, surface movement and interference in the river’s body to express themselves through the guitar’s strings. I am interested in what I am able to hear and feel in this diffractive, co-generated field and I make binaural recordings that serve as glimpses of this process.
These tracks also include GOODWARE 1, a studio practice of working with found crockery shards from the river, balancing these materials on the body of the guitar as it moves between feedback states, I leave the assemblage to ‘play out’.
(Recordings are live and untreated)